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1. Please keep in mind your username and password; it is advisable to take a screenshot for your records.
2. You can access your account by entering the username & password.
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Redemption codes will be issued through events from time to time. Please pay attention to the announcement in the official group.

FAQ About EP88

Does EP88 Malaysia have an age limit to play?

Customers of EP88 Casino Malaysia must accept the terms and conditions and be at least 18 years old.

How to register for a EP88 account?

You can access the "Registration" page by clicking "SIGN UP" on the EP88 website's home page. You will need to fill in the following fields :

  1. Username - Your unique identifier when logging into your account.
  2. Password - Case sensitive, must be between 6 to 12 characters and contains letters and numbers. You are responsible to keep your online password confidential.
  3. Email - To alert you of any important account management notice, product announcement and promotion information. Please ensure that you provide a valid email address that is only accessible by you.
  4. Full Name - Please provide your name as per NRIC. It is important for payment/banking verification purposes.
  5. Phone - Please provide a valid contact number for better assistance and for your account safety.

How can I proceed if I forget my password or username?

Please proceed to EP88’s customer support via live chat.

How to make a deposit?

Before placing bets in EP88, you need to fund your account using one of the provided banking methods on your preferences.

How to make a withdrawal?

After selecting the "Withdrawal" section, enter the desired withdrawal amount. The full name that you have registered with EP88 must match the name on your bank account.

After approval, your funds will be sent within a predetermined window of time via local bank transfer to your bank account.

Is my personal information secure at EP88 casino?

EP88 will not disclose your personal information to any third party. Your personal details are confidential and EP88 will ensure that all information is secured all the time.